The One About Getting Organized as an Entrepreneur Episode 32 Show Notes: Do you feel like a spider caught in the web of your own business? Are you feeling exhausted from being forced to go into so many directions at once with little to show for it in the end? If so,...
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How Having a Mental Health Difficulty Helped My Business
How Having a Mental Health Difficulty Helped My Business Episode 31 Show Notes: Oh hey there, listener! It’s been more than a minute! Now, this is going to be a bit of a different episode, but I found that the podcast gods just wouldn’t leave me alone if I didn’t...
How to Create and Sell a 4 Figure Offer with a Tiny Email List
How to Create and Sell a 4 Figure Offer with a Tiny Email List Episode 30 Show Notes: I'm here to tell you the exact steps I took to sell a 4 figure offer with a tiny email list (actually multiples of the same offer, but you get my jist!) Holding nothing back on this...
How to Create Predictable Success for Your Business in 2022 with 95% certainty
How to Create Predictable Success for Your Business in 2022 with 95% certainty Episode 29 Show Notes: Every one wants to create predictable success for their business. In this episode I'll walk you through exactly how to create predictable success for your business...
The Untapped Power in the Sales Objection
The Untapped Power in the Sales Objection Episode 28 Show Notes: People buy what they want, not what you want to sell to them. This old sales adage has never been more true than today. It’s one thing to make a pitch and hope somebody buys your product or service. It’s...
6 Marketing Strategies for Creating an Irresistible Offer
6 Marketing Strategies for Creating an Irresistible Offer Episode 27 Show Notes: One of the biggest keys to the success of your online business is creating an irresistible offer that will bring people in and keep them coming back for more. Not only should you create...
Is Perfectionism Killing Your Sales?
Is Perfectionism Killing Your Sales? Episode 26 Show Notes: Do you feel like you do more for your clients than you do for yourself? Are you a master at coaching others on growing their businesses, but when it comes to your own business, procrastination always gets in...
Stop Hustling to Spark Creativity and More Sales
Stop Hustling to Spark Creativity and More Sales Episode 25 Show Notes: “You need to hustle more.” It’s become the catchphrase of entrepreneurs everywhere. But, what does it even mean, exactly? Why do we associate the word “hustle” with success and achievement? More...
Laugh Your Way to the Bank – Create More Clients and Sales with a Powerful Lead Magnet that Converts
Laugh Your Way to the Bank - Create More Clients and Sales with a Powerful Lead Magnet that Converts Episode 24 Show Notes: “The money is in the list.” We’ve all heard the saying. But putting it into practice isn’t as easy as it sounds. Maybe you still don’t have a...
Uncovering What Lights You Up and Releasing What Doesn’t to Grow Your Business
Uncovering What Lights You Up and Releasing What Doesn’t to Grow Your Business Episode 23 Show Notes: Are you feeling stagnant and stuck working on a business you thought you loved… until it began to lose its sparkle? Are you considering taking some of your offerings...
Five Money-Making Steps To Create an Income Online as a Coach Using Social Media
Five Money-Making Steps To Create an Income Online as a Coach Using Social Media Episode 22 Show Notes: There’s no better time to create income online than right now. The internet has created a huge opportunity for entrepreneurs and coaches who are willing to take the...
Why Every Coach Needs to Care About Leads Before They Sell Their Services
Why Every Coach Needs to Care About Leads Before They Sell Their Services Episode 21 Show Notes: If sales are the oxygen of your business, leads are the source of that oxygen. Just as we need oxygen to survive, every business needs paying clients to be successful and...
Leverage Your Limiting Beliefs to Unlock Your Unlimited Potential
Leverage Your Limiting Beliefs to Unlock Your Unlimited Potential Episode 20 Show Notes: Want to know the sentence I hear the most often from online coaches and even my own clients? Here it is: “I hate sales!” It hurts my heart to hear it. But, to add insult to...
Seven Steps For Moving Forward After Entrepreneurial Burnout
Seven Steps For Moving Forward After Entrepreneurial Burnout Episode 19 Show Notes: So, you’ve been on the grind for a year or two and now it feels like all of your energy is spent. Burnout manifests in different ways for different people. You’ve probably been forced...
Q & A My Top 10 Sales Page Questions You Asked – Answered!
Q & A My Top 10 Sales Page Questions You Asked - Answered! Episode 18 Show Notes: Is your sales page killing it and are your conversions through the roof? Mine certainly weren’t in those early days. I’ve been curating the best sales page-related questions and...
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